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Sites Web et applications d'apprentissage à distance PS 201

Google Classroom

Attend school at home with Google Classroom. Log in with your username and password to complete your remote learning assignments for the week. You will receive lessons, work and support from your teachers at P.S. 201 through this remote learning portal.  Email if you are stuck.  Or, watch this introductory video to become familiar with the website before you log in.

NYC DOE Learn at Home

The materials on the Learn at Home pages are designed to provide supplementary learning resources to students in the event that students may need to be home from school. We encourage you to use this time to continue your student’s learning while they are at home. To help students engage in educational material, we have shared the resources below for students in all grades, from Early Learn through elementary and middle school, and for high school. These materials do not replace what your child has been learning at school, but during this unusual time it is important that students continue to read, write, do social studies and science activities, and work on math problems.

Brain Pop Jr.

Brain Pop Junior provides curriculum-based content geared specifically for K-3 students. The site offers a growing library of movies and interactive features across six subjects: science, health, writing, reading, social studies, and math. Students may access Brainpop Junior at home on a computer or laptop using our school login information.

Building Blocks

Pre-K students engage in rigorous math concept development while practicing critical mouse and computer navigation skills. Students engage in this program once a week in school but may continue working at activities from home. Username and password will be provided to individual participating students.

This is a Computer Science curriculum. It is primarily used in the computer lab. It is used with grades K-1 as an introduction to computer science concepts and programming skills.


Lexia is an individualized instructional program used in grades K-5. It is a research-proven program provides explicit, systematic, personalized learning in the six areas of reading instruction, targeting skill gaps as they emerge, and providing teachers with the data and student-specific resources they need for individual or small-group instruction.

Scholastic Learn At Home

Families can use this website to access grade appropriate articles to read. Most articles provide a fun, related interactive activity link


Tinkercad is the website we use to design in 3D. Students in grade 4 and grade 5 are issued Tinkercad accounts that are linked to their class. The technology teacher monitors their lesson and project progress.

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P.S. 201 Read Aloud Library

This is a collection of stories books read aloud by faculty members of P.S. 201. Students can enjoy to stories read to them during remote learnings. Some stories come with a follow up activity to do after the book is finished.


Free resources for reading, science and more. 

Class Dojo

Teachers use Class Dojo for classroom management as well as a communication method with parents through the app's text messaging feature. Please speak to your child's teacher to get the Class Dojo code for your child's class. is the website used in the technology lab at P.S. 201 to deliver computer science education to elementary aged students. The courses blend online, self-guided and self-paced tutorials with “unplugged” activities that require no computer at all. Students in grades 2-5 will create 1 to 2 computer code projects using code studio on They may access this website for free at home as well. No user account is needed.

Envision Mathematics

Envision Mathematics curriculum has an online component that students can access at home. Students can access the website from a home computer or laptop.

Khan Academy

Students practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerating their learning.


Comprehensive Leveled Reading Resources for kids. Raz-Kids is an award-winning teaching product that provides comprehensive leveled reading resources for students. Every eBook is available in online and mobile formats, and allows students to listen to, read at their own pace, and record themselves reading.

Reading Constellations

Students begin with a diagnostic placement test that puts them on to a learning path for reading comprehension practice and success. The program is for students in Grades 3, 4 and 5.


Scratch is used to teach computer coding to students mainly in grades 4-5. Scratch is a visual programming language and online community targeted primarily at children. Using Scratch, users can create online projects and develop them into almost anything by using a simple block-like interface. When they are ready, they then share, and also discuss their creations with each other. teaches keyboarding to students in grades K-5. This typing website emphasizes both accuracy and words per minute speed. Students are encouraged to practice keyboarding with this website on a home computer or laptop.

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